Choosing a tattoo is the first step in the process of getting the mark that will define you for the rest of your life.
For centuries Tattoos have been a way of showing people who we are, what we stand for and the morals that define us. They are a way of expressing our belief systems or our style of living. Some tattoos are used for commemoration of passed loved ones, or to mark a rite of passage at a defining moment in our lives.
Over the past couple of years we have seen a growth in popularity of tattoos once more. Much of the stigma of our parents day being left by the wayside. This does not mean that you should run out and get the prettiest picture you can find and have yourself inked. You are going to have to live with this mark for the rest of your life (or the painful process of having it removed) so I should be something that reminds you of who you are and where you are at this point in your life. You want to ensure that every time you see your tattoo, from now until you are old and grey, that it will bring you the same sense of purpose you had when you got it.
See examples of very cool tattoos on wrist.