Brings you a unique sampling of interesting tattoos from all over the world. Tattoos are historically very important, they have been used worldwide by every population that was ever in existence. Tattoos can convey many meanings and are worn by men or women, kids and adults.
In modern times tattoo designs are done with ink guns, in mostly sanitary situations and it is fairly safe. However, there was a time when tattoo designs were done with bone needles and there were not sanitary conditions. There are actually still some cultures who do tattoos this way. It is interesting to see how tattoos are done in a culturally relevant manner.
Tattooing has been around in Eurasian the longest of any continent. Tattoos were found in the Otz valley in the alps from neolithic times. Also, pre-christian cultures had tattoos, there are many examples of Celtic and Germanic tattoo design ideas in history.
There was even a mummy from approximately 300 bc that came out of the ground with a tattoo of animal designs! Cool!
In Taiwan there are interesting facial tattoos in the Atayal trive, they are to show that the men can protect their land and that women are great at certain tasks, such as housekeeping or weaving, they show social status.
There are many ways that ink designs convey meaning and social status throughout the world. Please take a look at the images we provide you for picking your own tattoo design idea!